Shipping & Returns


All orders are processed within 2 to 5 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email. You will receive another notification when your order has shipped. 

Domestic Shipping Rates and Estimates

Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout. 

How do I check the status of my order?

When your order has shipped, you will receive an email notification from us which will include a tracking number you can use to check its status. Please allow 48 hours for the tracking information to become available. 

If you haven’t received your order within 5 days of receiving your shipping confirmation email, please contact us with your name and order number, and we will look into it for you.


If you’re looking to return or exchange your order for whatever reason, we're here to help! We offer free returns within 30 days of purchase. You can return your product for store credit, a different product, or a refund to the original payment method.

Please note the following exceptions to our return and refund policy:

  • Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged
  • Returned items must have tags still on and be returned in original product packaging
  • Returned items must have no visible signs of wear or use

To initiate a return, please complete the following steps

  1. Log in to your account at or using the account login icon on the top right of our storefront.
  2. In the Email field, enter your email address, and then click Continue
  3. In your email account, open the email sent from our store and copy the six-digit verification code included in the email.
  4. Go back to the online store, and then enter a six-digit verification code
  5. Click the order that you want to submit the return for.
  6. If your order has more than one item, then select the items that you want to return
  7. Select a return reason and add a note for the store.
  8. Click Request return.

If your return request is approved and requires shipping, then you receive an email with shipping instructions and a return shipping label. After the product is returned, you receive a refund.